Increase your threshold power: Join Power Meter Project 2008!

In January 2007, I did a Power Meter Project to determine how people I didn’t know personally responded to some of my training theories. They performed a 12-week training program with power profile tests in weeks 1, 6 and 12. Again, the results were awe-inspiring, with progress in all significant physiological parameters.

Now I’m looking for riders who want to be a part of my project:

Increase your threshold power in 31 days


  • Age: 18 years or older
  • Own a power meter (SRM, PowerTap, Ergomo or Polar CS600)
  • Training amount: 10-14hrs per week.
  • Follow the training plan strictly

What do you get?
You get a free 31 days training program to increase your threshold power. There will be self-performed physical tests on days 1 and 31. The training amount will be 10 to 14hrs per week. Participants will personalize the training program to their current physical fitness based on self-performed tests.

If you are interested in being a part of this project, please comment on this post. I will contact you via email with more info.

The last chance to participate is July 7th.

75 thoughts on “Increase your threshold power: Join Power Meter Project 2008!”

  1. Jesper, I’d like to participate in your project. I’m still recovering from a broken pelvis and sacrum in July and would like to work with you again.

  2. Hi, I am a bigginer but entuciastic person, I’d like to participate in this program, I wish you consider my request.

    Javier, Mexico City.

  3. edgardo delgado

    yes, I’m very interested in your power project. I have a computrainer and a member of a racing cycling club. at the present time I compete on cat 4 and master, yes I’m over 18 years old and a very dedicated cyclist.
    thank you very much

  4. Can I repeat? Last time I wasn’t as fit as I am now…you’ll have to work harder 🙂

  5. I am interested in your project, I am not in great shape; however, i am willign to put the time into the program and have the Polar CS600 computer ready to go. Thanks!

  6. Greetings,

    Yes, I’m very interested. I’m 46 years old and compete in Masters and Cat4s, own a PowerTap and currently train 8-14 hours each week. Please advise, thanks much.


  7. Hi there,

    I am 39 and SRM- & TACX Cosmos-equipped.
    As of now I can count on >14hrs / week of training time, in blocks of 3 hrs or less according to the routine.


  8. 1st season with power for me. Just 31 days, increased threshhold power , this could be a nice fitness bump for the end of season targets.
    Sign me up – Steve

  9. Sandra Foerster

    I’d be keen but I haven’t bought the powermeter, yet. Can’t make up my mind, which one to get but this might put the pressure on to make a decision now. When does the project start?

  10. Hi, i’m 22 years old and i’m an italian cyclist. Tha last season i completed around 45 races criterium with some of these with a good resoults. I have a Powertap SL 2.4 system, and i have much more than 14 hours per week to train… expecially after the end of june… i’m in vacation and i can stay all the time on the bike.


  11. Happy to see all these positive responses to the project. I will come up with a detailed description of the project next week and if we get even more riders into this project it will be possible to do some nice statistics on the outcome.

    Thanks to Gonzalo and Paul who both participated in Power Meter Project 2007 and now are ready for Power Meter Project 2008.

    Best regards,


  12. jesper can you contact me via email? I would talk with you… if is possible about your project.

  13. Hi, am 24 & very much interested. I’ve not been cycling for the last 7 months due to work constraints. am just about to buy my second bike and i believe your training would jumpstart my cycling passion.


    Sam, Nairobi – KENYA

  14. Hello. I am a back of the pack cat III looking to move up in the pack. 33 y/o, three years racing, 10-14 hours per week works fine for me. Poorly self-coached and always looking to learn what works better for my physiology. Let me know if you need more info/stats etc.

  15. Hi,

    I meet the requirements and I am very interested in the power meter project.
    I’m 31, have been using a Powertap for about 6 months and mostly compete in hill climb races.


  16. Hi, I am interested in your powermeter project. I am a 44 year old Cat 2 masters racer. I have been racing since 1984. I train about 12-15 hours a week. Thanks. Erik

  17. I would like to participate as well. 31 year old age group triathlete, ironman distance. I am new to power training, just got a new TT bike with a Powertap 2.4 on it.

  18. I would like to participate. I just had a ACL and High Tibia Osteotomy (open wedge) surgury. I would like to gain what I lost during surgery. I have a SRM, Power tap and Computrainer.

  19. Hi Jesper, sounds like fun. I’d like to join you as well, 22-year old race cycler here. When does the project start?

  20. Hi there, I am keen to take part in this. I’m a kiwi cyclist and racing here in the US. Doing a bunch of races in California later this month and also doing the Superweek in Chicago. I’m also Deaf, and sponsored by a Hearing Aid company – Hansaton Hearing Systems. I’m racing at the top level but really want to improve my sustainable power. Maybe working with you will help this. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Cheers, Daniel

  21. Just some further info on me: I’m competing at the Deaf Olympics next year in Taiwan, representing New Zealand. I competed at the World Deaf Cycling Champs in San Francisco in 2006 – and got the bronze medal for overall on omnium points. I’ve been riding for 3 years now and typically train between 8-15hours a week depending on the weeks whether in base/taper/race mode. It averages around 11-12hrs. Cheers. Daniel

  22. Hi Jesper,

    I am very interested in your Power Meter Project and will follow it to the letter. I am reasonably fit 48 year the particpates in several group rides weekly. 10-15 hours a week depending on time of year. I just recently purchased a Power Tap and would like to train properly with power. Please consider my request. Thank You

    Jim Gomillion
    Clearwater Florida

  23. Hi, I’d like to participate in your project. i am 35 years old. I train 12 hours per week. I just got a powertapSL.
    thank you,

  24. Joao Marques Almeida

    I practice mountain bike and some road exits for training.
    I”™m interested in your power program.
    I have a Polar 725, can you consider my request.

    Thank you

  25. HI Jesper, I just came across your invitation to join your program and I am very interested in giving it a try. I meet all the necessary requirements and am very eager to increase my threshold power via a specified training routine.

    Thanks, Mike

  26. I am really intrested in seeing some results in my training and I am a beliver in the power tap, I havent been able to purchase one yet. I feel like I have stalled in the increase in my preformance. I race mountain bikes and after the National Championships in July I really want to shift my focus to mainly road, I have gotten very strong on the road, however I feel like I have hit a wall and I think a help from a power meter would help! I would love to be apart of this program!

  27. Hi Jesper, I have a tt on Aug. 3rd so this should be good timing, please sign me up.


  28. Hi there,

    Yes, I”™m very interested. I”™m 39 years old and compete in Masters and Cat4s, own a Polar and currently train ~10 hours each week. Please advise, thanks much.


  29. Hello,

    I just got a road bike a couple weeks ago… I’m pretty new at this whole thing, but I’d like to try your training program. I meet your requirements. Looking forward to it!


  30. Pingback: Update: Power Meter Project 2008 |

  31. I would love to take part in your project. I’ve been riding now for about two months. And always looking for ways to improve my riding ability.

  32. Hi I am very interested to see if you can increase my threshold.
    My threshold power is roughly 320 watts currently. I train roughly between 10 – 18 hours a week.

  33. manny ferreira

    I am a triathlete and would like to improve my bike splits! Can you help!

  34. Hey fella,I would like to participate in your program!Please sign me up,and thank you for the cycling tips.:) I’m also interested in increasing my threshold. I train hard through the weeks, approximately 250-300 km pro week.

  35. Jaime Ramirez-Serrano

    I would love to participate in your Power Meter Project. I have been racing for 3 years, have tried to increase my power output using different training techniques but no one has really helped me.

    I would like to try your techniques.


  36. i would love to take part if it is not to late. just got powertap, im 18 years old and after any help or support.

  37. Hi

    I only just found your post, would like to participate if not too late. Age 39, Polar CS600, training approx 12 Hour\week


  38. Hi,

    I have missed the deadline but I would love to participate if it is not too late. I’m 28 years old.


  39. Hi

    I hope I’m not too late as I would like to participate in your Power Meter Project.



  40. I’m 28y from Austria, just finished the Ironman Austria with a bike split of 5:09h, gotta get that sub5 next year. Using an ergomo.

  41. Hello,
    Would like to participate in your project.
    Have been training with a power meter for 3 years but only downloading info for 3 months.
    Am Currently a Masters Cat 2 in California.
    Thanks, Scott

  42. Aargh! Missed the deadline – Cat 4 racer, good sprinter (Max. 1500+ W @ 5 s, 73 kg) – now very interested in raising my VO2 max/TH power since it’s a definite weakness as shown in my last races.



  43. Just found this site and would love to participate. Just purchased a Quarq CinQo with Garmin 705, am new to power training. Cat 4 racer, in third season of racing. Had a full-time heart rate based coach last season, can’t wait to learn about power training.


  44. I just found this site. I also just purchased a Power Tap July 24. I am not racing yet, but would like to start as a Cat 5 next year. Can you help me to get started?

    Thank you,


  45. I know it is past the date but I would still like to participate if possible.
    I am a keen TT’ist and would like to increase my threshold power (the holy grail).

  46. I know I am best the deadline as well, but I would still like to try the program please. I am not sure if you are allowing this, but please let me know. Thank you.

  47. I know I am also behind the power curve but I have been cycling for a year now and just purchased a power tap and am looking for some guidance to signifigantly increase my performance. Would greatly appreciate your tutelage. Thank you, Paul

  48. I just got a power meter! Is it too late? It is very hard to find training plans using power.


  49. I’ve got powermeters and a years worth to data but have had no increase in my http://FTP... I want to time trial better and have tried very hard to improve and have not succeeded. At least with all of my data I have a substantial baseline for comparison.

    any help would be appreciated.

  50. I am looking to improve my threshold over the winter months. I would like to view your program. Thanks

  51. Would love to experiment with my training. I am a adventure relay cyclist, formerly Semi-Pro downhiller, (the category has been removed) Cat. 3 lead out man (my brother is my Cat 3 Dominant Sprinter), and shop Mechanic as well as college student. I am 32, 6’5″ and BMI of 23-24. This may be suplimentary to my current training, or it might be a replacement, whatever you suggest, as long as your program allows me to burn the nesc. callories to maintain what I feel is my pre-training season fitness. I would love to see where this goes.

  52. Hello,
    I just stumble on this post now and wonder if you have future test/training available soon? I do have powertap and love to keep all my training in detail. Thanks!

  53. Hi, I’m a Expert mountain Biker, that trains 90% in the road with powertap in FL, very interested in your program..

  54. Hi, I’d like to try the program using a Kurt Kinetic Power Meter on one of their wind trainers. I am 40, have done a number of Olympic Distance triathlons and am getting back into training again. I’d be interested to know whether this can be done on a wind trainer over a three month Winter period. Thanks

  55. Hi,

    I would like to participate in your progrmmae.

    I am 34, Type 1 diabetic since early childhood. Up until 3 years ago I was Cat 3 racer. Also swam competitively as a teen.

    Have done nothing for the last 3 years.

    Best regards,


  56. I would like to participate in your program.
    I am 41 years old and have been cycling for sometime.
    I am currently on cholesterol medication and 80 mg of Sotalol for my heart. however my body fat is at 6% and am in good physical condition. Because im on Sotalol my resting heart rate is very low (46) and at max effort my heart rate is only at about 165 bpm. I ride about 100-250 miles a week currently. I have a lot of hills where I ride so I tend to be climbing a lot.
    Best regards,

  57. I’m keen to give it a shot – is it still a happening thing? I ride track and rode. Have an SRM pro and have lactate profile & power data from recent testing.

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