Getting stronger without adding muscle mass. Weight lifting tips for road cyclists.

Why Most Riders Never Succeed

This may sound like common sense, but if you have a specific goal or aim, it is crucial to organize and implement your activities to achieve your goal. Imagine that deciding on your goal is a mental creation. Well, how are you going to get there? Unless you have a personal cycling coach or a

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Make a comeback as road cyclist

Getting Back in the Saddle

When it comes to cycling, many riders fall into a familiar trap. Once they give up, they find it virtually impossible to get back on the bike. Runners have the same problem: once you stop stepping onto the roads or trails, it’s challenging to get going again. If you have abandoned your bike and are

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Mountainbike training for beginners

Mountain Bike Training for Beginners

Here is a comprehensive post about mountain bike training for beginners by Cecilia Potts, a former junior mountain bike world champion and professional cyclist. So grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the reading. However, you may need an extra cup midway through this article; it’s pretty long – Enjoy! Mountain biking can be a

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Cycling Training

The 6-Week Training Plan

I’m happy to announce a new training plan here on A bike training plan was developed for road cyclists with ambitions to ride a little faster. This training plan will improve your performance within six weeks. It will be a challenging training plan, so don’t enter it if you feel unsure. It’s a demanding

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Cycling Tips for Women

Cycling Tips for Women

Women cyclists all have one common dilemma: we participate in a sport that men dominate. We usually don’t have to worry about race days because a group of us gathered to compete (although I have been to races where they grouped the women with the men because there weren’t enough female racers to constitute a

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